New from Ken Jarrold

Essential reading for managers, leaders, and anyone who aspires to be a leader

“The first time anyone you know is promoted to a job which is about leading people or managing resources, give them this book. It will last a lifetime.”
Baroness Fritchie of Gloucester

40 questions for leaders and managers

Other People’s Shoes is an illuminating exploration of leadership and management and their importance to organisations. Ken Jarrold draws on his almost 50 years of experience as a senior NHS manager, chair and member of boards, and consultant, to share a wealth of knowledge about how to manage effectively and forge a path forward, one that works for the organisation and inspires its most valuable resource: the frontline staff.

Focusing on the values, personal qualities and mindset that are essential to good managers and leaders, this book clearly defines where management ends and leadership begins.

Ken separates the two roles into equal but distinct categories and demonstrates how the two require different approaches and different skill sets. A list of 40 incisive questions invites you to reflect on your performance, preconceptions and expectations, leaving you with a clear idea of how to become a better manager or leader.

Other People’s Shoes reveals the humanity and emotional intelligence necessary to management and leadership and provides a rich source of practical tools and tips that will improve your understanding and your performance. It is essential reading for managers, leaders and anyone who aspires to be a leader.

Things people say about working with Ken

Work directly with the author to translate the lessons learned from Other People’s Shoes directly into your business, life or organisation.